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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/7/2012, 9:34 am

Xenon: ...
Ruari: You don't smell like your dead, though. *He tilts his head slightly.*

Lindsay: Well, is there a way to find them before they use this Daitengu-thingy?
Antonio: And what is Daitengu, anyway?

Ouranos: *He closes the vortex of energy, arms now outstretched. Eirene stands behind him as he begins to gather energy. Chaotic lightning began to swirl around him, lifting him into the air as his eyes once again took on a gold hue.*
Eirene: *She speaks in little more than a soft whisper.* I'm glad to have met you... my grandson.
Ouranos: *He roars as his powers tear through the afterlife, oblitering the bonds that held it in place with the realm of the living.*

Kyra: *She spots a nearby school of Mermaids and halts her flight, gazing down as she thought about how to draw them out without causing a mess. An idea lights up her face and she clears her throat.*

Alethia: Then perhaps all is not lost.
Iodes: *She begins to walk towards the compound's exit.*

Sivica: *He glances at the incoming Zeke.* Kulen, continue your assault. Yua, go after the Right Hand. Sven, go wild. *Sivica then launches a powerful uppercut of Fire God flames into Zeke's chin.*
Kulen: *He rushes forward with blistering speed, striking the heroes multiple times in mere seconds. Heake cried out as he blasted her with another round of sonics.*
Yua: *She grins and runs towards the fallen Pennatus, eyes gleaming with glee.*

Ashura: ... *He sighs. Rufus would inevitably escape no matter how much they tried to restrain him. Noise just wasn't an energy that the Hunters were familiar with, giving Rufus an edge over them.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Zazul 7/14/2012, 12:12 pm

Zeke: *the punch sent him sprawling back. Even though he had gotten stronger, he was still behind Sivica*......grrr...We came too far....WE CAME TOO FAR TO BE STOPPED BY YOU, SIVICA! *suddenly, a white light appeared next to Zeke. And from the light, a burst of orange phoenix fire. A hand reached out and took Zeke's helping him up.*
???: Looks like you guys started a party without me! Neir, Gashka, Kleptomania, Liola, Penny, here I thought you guys didn't need little old me anymore! HA!
Neir: *tears formed in his eyes as he beheld who was standing there* No way....RAEM!
Raem: *he looked at Sivica, his signature smile on his face* I don't know why, but something about the Chinchilla here pisses me off.
Zeke: *anger swelled in his eyes* Raem?! What the hell are you doing here?!
Raem: I can explain, dude. But right now, I'd focus on the God-Flame user over yonder.
Zeke: ~W-what?! His demeanor...its different from when I first fought him. That Raem was cold, calculating, and by all accounts evil. This one...He's laid back. Is this the Raem that Saber and Steam were talking about? The real one?~ *he nodded and let go of Raem's hand* Fine. But don't get too cocky in this one. I still have a bone to pick with you for what you did to Aeducan and my father.
Raem: I'll explain all of that later. *he points Ashbringer at Sivica* So, whats the deal with this guy?
Zeke: He's the one that captured Steam and Saber.
Raem: He did what?! *suddenly, his laid-back demeanor was gone* He should consider himself lucky I was sent here and not Mystess. Because....She would have outright killed him for that. Me, on the other hand...*his eyes lock onto Sivica's* I'm just gonna pound him to a bloody pulp until he coughs Saber and Steam back up!
Zeke: Heh...Get in line! *both Raem and Zeke dash at Sivica. Zeke flips and brings both of his legs back* Soru....
Raem: *Ashbringer ignites and Raem heaves it over his head* Ash-bound....
Zeke: *he thrusts forward with both legs, his clawed feet spread and pointed* GAUSS DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN!
Raem: *he slices downward at Sivica* JUSTICE!
Neir: *he sees Yua running at Penny* Oh no you don't! *he gets up, fighting through the pain in his eardrums, and runs to intercept*
Gashka: Not alone you don't! *he runs next to Neir*
Kleptomania: *he stands in front of Kulen* You attacked my subordinate, Schizophrenia. You and I, bat, have a problem. This won't be a fight with a kid like the one you had with Schizophrenia.
Fai Zheng: be careful, Mr. Kleptomania.
Kleptomania: Take care of the Unicorn, Fai. The adults have to deal with their problems.
Fai Zheng: Right. Liola, lets go!
Sheogorath: WHAT AN UNEXPECTED TURN OF EVENTS! This is turning out to be some high-class entertainment! This is really makin' my teeth itch up a storm! *he then coughs, a small cloud floating out. The cloud makes hands and begins scratching itself* SEE!? EVEN THE STORM IS ITCHY!

Bonesaw: *he stops, floating on his back* Whats up, babe?

Efreet: Iodes....good luck.

~Dariss Karlan~
*Deshdae and the gods had just witnessed what Ouranos had done*
Deshdae: This is most troubling...
Lennox: On the bright side, Raem is no longer our enemy.
Martel: That may be, but perhaps we traded one apocalypse for another?
Nemesis: Oh boy...
Deshdae: Calm yourselves, brothers and sister. Ouranos does not present a threat....yet.
Nemesis: All I know is this....that kid is gonna get a whole lot of crap his way...

*as the Necral necromancers begin to resurrect more Necrals, they feel their power drain*
Necromancer: W-what is this?!
Necral Citizen: Whats wrong?!
Necromancer: My power! Its gone! The Afterlife...I can't feel it anymore! *whales of horror echo out from the cities on Rapture. Within hours, a mob of Necrals and Necromancers alike have gathered at the halls of Issac Reaver, the current Wormlord of Rapture.*
Issac: *he turns to Geist* What is the meaning of this?!
Geist: My would appear that Necromancy has become.....extinct.
Issac: WHAT?!
*outside, cries of anger ring out*
*through the crowd steps a tall Elf Necral with gold skin and black rune tattoos all over his body.*
???: Now now, citizens, leave this to me.
Manimeus: LAST BATTALION! *out steps an army of Necrals in WWII style german soldier uniforms. Leading them is a Necral with white cross tattoos on his body* Heinrich, you know what to do.
Heinrich: Yes, Mein Wormlord. *he points at the doors to the castle* Feuer!
*the soldiers of Last Battalion all aim their rocket propelled grenade launchers at the doors and blow them apart.*
Manimeus: Helga.
*out steps a female Necral in a white suit. Her hair is orange and cut short, her muscles visible under the suit*
Helga: General Helga Blitz, ready Mein Wormlord! *she points down the hall* Bewegen Sie sich! *the soldiers all pull out their weapons and charge in. This was revolution. This was the rise of a new Rapture.*
Manimeus: *he turns around and looks at the Last Battalion officers behind him. Next to Heinrich was a Necral in a bomber-style pilot outfit. Next to Helga was a tall Necral in full grenadier attire. Manimeus held out his arms.* With you, my Last Battalion, Rapture will enter a new age! Heinrich Von Marrowrend, Helga Blitz, *to the pilot* Alfred Bloodriver, *to the grenadier* And Kieth Gorehound!
Heinrich: And after the Reavers have been driven from power?
Manimeus: I did my research...the one to blame is Ouranos Ailuro, since he was the only one not sent back from the Afterlife and the last one to enter it.....By my power as the new Wormlord, he will pay!

Knives: Daitengu is a powerful beast, the guardian of me and Saber here's home planet, Iciaura. She's pretty much on par the our gods in terms of power.
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/14/2012, 2:46 pm

[Concordia Sea - Surface]

The Mermaids appeared to be going somewhere; in fact, they were going far out to sea. They were ignoring Kyra, but they were definetly in a hurry.

[Concordia Sea - Deep Water]

Ryuusei kept going downwards, until suddenly... "Whoa!"

Something gigantic blew out of nowhere, surprising him. He quickly began to speed upwards, but whatever scared him was chasing him.


Rufus soon became a speck in the distance. "Oh great!" Lucy shouted, finally panicking. "He got away, Dr. Cherubim is dead, and we've got offworlders tearing the place up! What do we do now!?"

Even Beal was a little shocked about her panic attack.


"... So I'm not dead?" Dr. Cherubim asked. "This merits research..."

He seemed oddly calm, and began to approach them. "Surely you can assist me in getting out of here?"

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/14/2012, 5:33 pm

Sven: o-o Ohai there Fai! Long time no see~ How's that stomach wound? *he turns to Liola, his heart speeding up a bit.* I have a name for you, but I was told by my elders that is isn't polite to say it out loud.

Mystess: *she is standing on the top of a destroyed building on Iciaura. Her eyes well up with tears at the sight of the carnage and destruction.* ~I could have prevented this....~ *her ears burn brightly as she free falls off the building. As soon as she touches the ground, a trail of magma forms on the ground in front of her and she skates off at blinding speeds.*

Garm: *he follows Iodes, a happy feeling setting in his mind*

Kiko: How are we supposed to catch him??
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/18/2012, 12:21 pm

Sivica: *He grabs Zeke's feet in midair and throws him into Raem's blade before launching a spiraling tower of Flame God fire around him to form a protective barrier. He quickly began to expand it, forcing his opponents back. The Flames of a God were waaay more powerful and dangerous than normal flames. Actually, to absorb these Flames would be detrimental if you weren't chosen to wield them-- they'd drain your own powers dry while you absorbed them.*
Yua: *She flips over Neir, striking several pressure points to numb his limbs as she did so. Pennatus scrambled to get up, her body too injured to let her get too far. She collapsed only a few feet from where she had began her escape and she cursed under her breath.*
Kulen: Do you believe you can triumph over me? Even if you are a Keshin, I am a Drakkael! Whereas you can control Madness, I can manipulate Chaos! *He lifts a hand to reveal a ring on his hand with a jewel similar to Kyra's necklace. Chaos energy begins to flood through his fists, making the air heavier and heavier.*

Kyra: *She doesn't respond, but does glance at him from the corner of her eye. It was a look to get back. Suddenly, she fired a high-pitched shriek into the water, the frequency of the noise was meant to attract the SABERs in the water towards her. She just wasn't sure if it would work...*

Ashura: Follow 'em for starters. *He says it simply, as if it were obvious.* Kiko and I need to get back anyway... We'll strategize as we walk. Maybe we can catch him off guard?

Divine: Well... Xenon here doesn't have the energy required to take you back to the land of the living. Getting enough energy to come down here in the first place was a hassle.
Ruari: Sorry...

Ouranos: *He breathes slowly as the afterlife begins to lose its pearly white glow. Everything had become dulled and gray. The psuedo-god looked at his work emotionlessly. All of the spirits were gone, and the Shinigami had gone somewhere else. He did not know where, nor did he really care. Ouranos looked towards the energized vortex that took his friends home. Silently, he walked through the portal, knowing exactly what his next mission was.*

*As the Sivica's Demon Hunter group battled the Geneforce, several piercing lights rocketed to the ground out of nowhere and hit the earth with a terrifyingly powerful shockwave. The combatants were knocked backwards by the powerful blast, and the dust shrouded their vision as to what had landed. The Demon Hunters all felt a sudden pulling sensation that beckoned them to go into the dust. And, without resisting, they began to walk towards it.*

*A duo of blinding lights streaked across the Concordia Sea, blazing past the waters and halting several yards away from Kyra and Bonesaw, revealing their true forms. Looking up, Kyra was suddenly aware of a pair of blades hovering slightly over the water. One of them was calling out to her, the other blade seemed to whisper Bonesaw's name in his head. These blades, wherever they had come from, were theirs.*

*As Ashura and Kiko planned a way to capture Rufus, twin lights rushed towards them, halting a few yards away from them. Like the others, they were blades that called out to them. Ashura slowly began to walk towards one...*

*Back at the Demon Hunter Castle, hundreds upon hundreds of similar lights began to gather in an abandoned room, flying through all of the castle to get there. Master Quin only stares in questioning. What was going on? He slowly followed them to an empty room next to the armory. There, he found hundreds of different swords and bladed weapons waiting there. These hadn't been here before. Brows furrowed, he turned away to ponder what this could mean.*

*And elsewhere, on a planet far, far away, a group of hooded figures casted a Hunter spell on a gang of demons, banishing them back to the Underworld. Before their very eyes, spheres of light gathered around them, swirling around the group in a wild ecstasy. Finally, they revealed themselves as bladed weapons, each one calling out to a member of the group.*
???: Huh... I guess the old man really did need us if stuff like this is going on. *The tallest one stands with a slouch, as if bored. The rest of group agrees in silence as they take their respective blades.* The scourge of the earth finally are rewarded, eh? *He swings his blade around, feeling the weight of it. Perfect.* Well, let's show those Demon Hunting novices how the experts do it! Roman Numerals!!

Iodes: Right... *She then begins to walk away with Garm.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/18/2012, 1:43 pm


"... Alright, let's go..." Lucy agreed.

"I'm staying behind." Beal decided. "My head hurts."

A scientist had brought him an ice pack.

[Concordia Sea]

Ryuusei quickly resurfaced. "Incoming!" he shouted, leaping out of the water.

Right behind him, a gigantic whale burst out of the water.


"That's easy enough." Dr. Cherubim reassured them.

He held out his hand, and a cube of blue noise began to form. "I can provide energy, if you can use it."

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Zazul 7/18/2012, 3:59 pm

Zeke: Those lights...what are they?!
Raem: *his eyes widen* That energy...I know that type of energy! Those are Summoner Blades! But...they aren't like Ashbringer or Frostmorne. The spirits bound to them...I can feel them. Those are Shinigami!
Neir: *he looks up, helpless* Shinigami?!
Gashka: No way...
Kleptomania: Drakkael...I've heard of your race. Dischalem carbon copies if you ask me!
Fai Zheng: What?
Kleptomania: The ones like Keshin and Flayers, only they manipulate Chaos. Very rare, very powerful.

~Shifter Homeworld~
Chaos: *he slams his fist on his throne, an angered expression on his face.*
Hermaceus Mora: F-Father?
Chaos: NO! No no no no no no NO! My beautiful plan has fallen through!
Hermaceus Mora: What do you mean?
Chaos: Ouranos Ailuro...he was supposed to destroy ALL of the Afterlife! But the Shinigami...they have escaped! With them, the Gods still have a way to survive!
Hermaceus Mora: But Father, surely you can still destroy them?
Chaos: Yes. I can. But it will take longer....Its time I pulled my Trump card. *he stands up and draws his scythe. He then begins walking towards a black vortex portal in front of him* Stand ready, Mora. For when I return, I shall be Perfect Chaos! *he steps through the door*

Raem: Zeke...we have to stop Sivica here. Otherwise, he and the other Hunters could become unbeatable.
Zeke: You're right. *he and Raem start to move forward. However, a black vortex opens up in front of them. Out steps the one man that they feared, clapping playfully*
Chaos: Good....good...Raem and Zeke. And so the three pieces of Chaos are together at last!
Raem: Chaos...
Zeke: Who are you?
Raem: That would be Pure Chaos. He's the one responsible for all of this...the one who's been pulling the strings behind the Daedra, and has been manipulating the Morians. He's the most evil thing in the galaxy. A monster.
Chaos: Now now, Raem. Flattery will get you everywhere. At any rate, I am here to take what is rightfully mine. My fragments that you two hold.
Raem: No! We'll never let you have Feral!
Zeke: Peaceful will never belong to you!
Chaos: : You boys don't even realize it yet. I wished to become a god again, but you two were the ones that made me a god! You pursued me, hounded my minions, killed for me. You boys are the sons of two fathers: Your blood fathers, and me! They gave you life, I gave you purpose. All that you two really are, you owe to me. It was my power that gave you fame and strength, now its time to give it back. *he snaps his fingers and the three Chaos Wielders are transported to what looks like a realm of darkness. Below them is a glowing mosaic of Perfect Chaos, its armor stripped with purple, orange, and blue.*
Raem: You'll never win, Chaos...*orange Chaos energy flows around Raem and his horned Feral Helm forms on his head. Ashbringer, instead of taking on a Katana appearance, turns into a larger, more savage looking serrated blade.* It ends here!
Zeke: You're the one responsible for my mother's death and my father's misery...*purple chaos energy forms around him and a purple Helm of Chaos forms on his head.* You won't get away this time. You will pay...for all the lives that you've claimed!
Chaos: Very well. Then let our final battle be decided! And may the better Chaos take root! *he spins his scythe in his hands and charges*
Raem: *he spins Ashbringer and charges*
Zeke: *he kicks off the ground and dashes, his knee poised to hit Chaos*
*the three beings collide, a large force wave ripping apart the mosaic and the darkness around them, causing windows to open all over the galaxy*
Chaos: *his cloak flows back as he seems to skate across the mosaic, afterimages forming behind him. He spins low to the ground then back up, letting out a fury of slices at Zeke*
Zeke: *he backflips back. Then Raem appears behind him and puts the flat of his blade out. Zeke takes the hint and puts his feet on, springboarding into Chaos. He collides and forces Chaos through the window to Iciaura.*
Raem: *He dashes after the two into the window*

Chaos: *he skids to a halt by stabbing his scythe's Space rending blade into the ground. He looks around. They are in the destroyed city that the Thunderdead and Daedra invaded. He looks over and sees Zeke fly out of the window at him. He brings his scythe out from the ground and wraps his arm around it. He then slices with the time blade and performs a spin kick. The kick enters the slice.*
Zeke: As he flies at Chaos, a slice appears next to him and Chaos's leg comes out. kicking him in the rib cage. Zeke plows through the ground and into a building.*
Raem: *he leaps out from the window and dashes under Zeke, and then crosses Ashbringer with Chaos's scythe*
Chaos: *his eyes light up and he drives his fist into Raem's stomach, after images trailing behind him.*
Zeke: *he scrambles up and runs at Chaos. He then slides and kicks Chaos in the chest, causing him to float mid-air*
Raem: *he recovers and brings Ashbringer around. He then slices Chaos, flinging him through another window* Lets go, Zeke! *he runs after Chaos*
Zeke: Right! *he follows Raem*

Chaos: *he flips through the window and lands. He is in a large hall within Reaver Hold. He glances to the side and sees Necrals from Last Battalion stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of him. Suddenly, Zeke and Raem leap through the window and charge at him. Raem swipes across while Zeke slams his leg downward. He spins his scythe to block Raem's blade and thrusts his fist up to block Zeke's kick. He then deflects both of them back and charges at Raem, skating across the ground with extreme grace due to his energy. His afterimages only add to the flow of his movements. He knees Raem in the gut, spins and hits Raem's back with the shaft of his scythe, then drives his elbow into Raem's chest, forcing him through the floor and down into another window.*
Zeke: *he leaps at Chaos, letting out a flurry of spin kicks at him.*
Chaos: *he blocks each one with his bare palm and then leaps through the window after Raem*
Zeke: Oh no you don't! *he leaps through the window after Chaos*

~Phantasia Ocean~
Bonesaw: *he reaches out for the blade. As he does, an explosion of water flies out* What the hell?! *out from the geyser flies Raem.* HADESSON?!
Raem: *he skids on the waters' surface and stops himself in time to see the whale* LEVIATHAN?! *he rolls out of the way as the whale hits the surface of the water and makes a large tidal wave. He forces Chaos energy to build around him so he can stand on the water properly and uses the energy to glide on the water's surface as he rides the wave* So this is how Chaos did it? Nice trick! *suddenly, the wave bursts. Out flies Chaos, who is also surfing like Raem. He drives on at Raem, the two of them gliding and clashing blades over and over again*
Zeke: *he leaps over the wave and drives down like a bullet at Chaos. Chaos sees it coming and stabs his scythe into the water. Using its Space rending blade, he flips using it as a pole vault and dodges Zeke. Zeke hits the water, but uses his Arcane and Chaos energy to propel himself through the water like a torpedo.*
Raem: *he leaps up and flies down at Chaos, their blades clashing with great force. Chaos then spins, slices the air. Raem avoids it and keep pressing the attack. Zeke then springs up from the water and flies at Chaos. He wraps his legs around Chaos's neck from behind and twists, flinging Chaos through another window. Raem and Zeke then both leap through it.*

Chimera: *as Dr. Cherubim and the others talk, Chimera looks up, noticing the wormhole made by Ouranos. It smiles, realizing this was its chance.* Xenon...thank you for giving me this opportunity. However, I have my own destiny. *it looks at Xenon, its mouth showing a cruel grin* And it doesn't involve you! *two large, black bony wings rip out from Chimera's back and Chimera takes off towards the wormhole* I'M GOING BACK...TO THE REALM OF THE LIVING! *it flies through the hole. What was once known as the most evil creature to ever exist, was just let loose upon the mortal world yet again.*

~New Mobius~
*on the still-forming New Mobius, there are flashes as Raem, Zeke, and Chaos continuously clash. Chaos is gliding and flipping across the near-molten surface of the forming planet, his Chaos Aura keeping his body from being destroyed.*
Raem: *he and Zeke also use their Chaos Aura to preserve their bodies. Raem charges across the burning rocks at Chaos, the two of them leaping across the cliff-like crags and canyons forming in the planet. Zeke dives with extreme speed after Chaos, letting out a flurry of kicks to back up Raem's slices. Chaos blocks each attack and leaps back.*
Chaos: Good, boys! Very good indeed! You've surpassed my every expectation of you! Not even Kronos gave me a battle this worthy! But...I believe we should draw this fight to a close. After all, I want to be in peak condition when I get my body as an Embodiment back. *he thrusts his scythe's blunt end into the ground and then steps forward, his head low to the ground. A large mass of energy condenses and forms in between the horns on his helmet* Cedo....*he launches the beam, its power ripping apart the surface of the new planet* GRANDE!
Raem: Zeke, together! There is only one attack that can beat him!
Zeke: Right! *the two of them bring their hands back, putting them together*
Raem and Zeke: Darkness Devour.... *The energy builds up in their hands. More energy than they have ever released before* Bring us power.... *the both step forward, their hands together as they fire the attack* AUIN SOPH AUOR! *the attacks collide, the energies ripping apart all around it.*
Raem: Keep pushing!
Zeke: Grrrr.....
*suddenly, their Chaos Energy flares. Behind them are giant astral forms of Peaceful Chaos and Feral Chaos. Peaceful brings its arms back and Feral rears back, its mouth open. Both then thrust forward, adding their energy to the attack*
Chaos: *he feels the deadlock breaking* W-What?! No! No I can't lose here! *the energy engulfs him and he looks over to see the scythe being destroyed by the raw power from the attack* No.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *the energy blasts Chaos, destroying his helmet and forcing him to his knees. When the attack clears, Chaos is on his knees, half conscious and powerless.*
Raem: *he and Zeke walk over to Chaos* Its over. You have been beaten and have nowhere to run, Chaos. The Daedric Threat is long over.
Zeke: And now you will answer for your crimes.
???: Fufufufufufu....One man's crime is another man's enjoyment, young ones. *standing there is Combine Chimera*
Raem: Who are you?
Chimera: Your daddies and mommies have probably mentioned me. I was the worst villain next to Vein to ever face Geneforce. A name that still makes those who remember it quake with fear. You may call me...Combine Chimera.
Raem: W-what?!
Chimera: I really should thank you boys. Without you, I would have never been able to get my hands on Chaos here.
Zeke: What are you talking about?
Chimera: Isn't it obvious? While in Hell, I learned I have a very rare talent. I can absorb the evil within others and add to my own power. I have already absorbed more evil than you can possibly imagine.
Raem: *he and Zeke go to attack Chimera*
Chimera: Oh no, how about you boys...SIT. DOWN. *it releases his energy, forcing Raem and Zeke, even with their Chaos Forms activated, to fall on their backs* That's much better. Now then...*it walks over to Chaos, stroking the half-conscious villain's chin playfully with the palm of its hand as it stands behind him* With your evil, I will become a being far more powerful than I was when I faced Geneforce. I will become the ultimate evil. I will become...Evil Incarnate.
Raem: *he tries to struggle against Chimera's power* We....won't.....let you!
Chimera: But you already helped me get what I want. Now, to take what is rightfully mine. *it thrusts its hand into Chaos's back. Then, it pulls out a black orb and eats it. Suddenly, its body shudders and ripples* Yes....this power....SO INCREDIBLE! *its body expands and lets out a large explosion of energy. Standing there is Chimera. Its face has become more human in appearance with handsome features similar to Chaos's when he was in control of his body. On its head are two bat wings coming from its temples. Two large bat wings hang from its hips and form what looks like a skirt. On its back are six bat wings, the top set being the largest and the bottom being the smallest. Its nails are long yet perfectly manicured and black, like its skin. Its eyes are 5 red eyes in each socket with three in a top row and two on a bottom row. Two small white fangs poke out from Chimera's mouth. It smiles and bows to Raem and Zeke. When it speaks, its voice is melodious and calm, almost suave and debonair with a slight english ring to it* Marvelous. Truly marvelous. This is precisely what I needed to kick-start my return.
Chaos: *he groans. After a while, his hair spikes forward and his mask re-forms. Now, Gattrei was back in control*
Chimera: Oh my? *he nudges Gattrei with his foot so he falls over* Such a handsome young man. Who would have thought Chaos had this little treasure all to himself? Ah well, such is life. Now, if you will excuse me, boys. I have a galaxy to destroy. *black smoke flows around him and Chimera disappears*
Raem: *he and Zeke deactivate their Chaos forms and stand up. The look over and see Gattrei. Raem walks over and picks him up.*
Zeke: What are you doing?! We don't have time to save him, we gotta get out of here!
Raem: I think this is Chaos's wielder. If anything, I don't think he's responsible for Chaos. We need to get him out of here as well.
Zeke: Oh, fine! *using Peaceful's energy, he locates a window* Take him with us, we have to get back to the others!
Raem: Right! *he and Zeke jump through the window back to where Sivica and the others are*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/18/2012, 4:45 pm

Sven: * he turns and follows the other hunters into the dust, hearing his name being whispered to him.*

Kiko: *she stares into the light before reaching out for a blade* what.... what are these.....

Garm: so Iodes, what do we need to do?


Charisma: chimera has been unleashed to the mortal realm once more. call Xenon to me, zarek. she will tame Garmr as a test. but if she chooses so, she can fight against chimera. chimera cannot exist or hell will disintergrate into nothing... i also have a... small gift for her.
Zarek: You don't mean...
Charisna: Yes. I am giving her the book i wrote with the blood of my enemies; Leiber ab Charisma. it has every single one of my spells and rituals within it.


Mystess: *she seems lost. she needs to find one of her family...* where are you guys....? *she continues skating through the streets, trying to not think the worst.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/19/2012, 11:52 am

[Concordia Sea]

Ryuusei quickly leaped out of the water, landing on Leviathan's head. "... What just happened?" he had to ask.


Dr. Cherubim flinched a little as Chimera jumped through the wormhole. He was just as confused as Ryuusei. "... Well, what now?" he had to ask.

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/19/2012, 3:08 pm

Divine: *She also stares up at the vortex, just as perplexed by the situation.* I guess that's a way out...?
Ruari: Did we seriously just get ditched by the Chimera?
Divine: Seems that way, yeah.
Ruari: FFFFFF-
Xenon: *She casts a heated look at Ruari, who instantly stops talking.*
Emra: I know that look. *He grins underneath his mask.* Xenon's gonna kill that Chimera for betraying her.
Divine: What I don't quite understand is how the Chimera was able to leave hell without the rest of its body? I thought that the rest of the Chimera's body was still here?
Emra: It seems the Chimera has found another way to power itself. But... an undead without a master will disintegrate quickly...
Divine: So, we're going after it? What about Charisma?
Xenon: *She looks at Dr. Cherubim for a moment.* When we leave this place, we can take you with us.

Ashura: Whatever they are, they hold great power... and for us! *He takes his blade, examining it carefully. Strange power sparks through him as his hand makes contact.* Woah...

Kyra: That was... Chaos itself... *She feels her body going numb as she turns back to the blades hovering above the water. She takes one, feeling its weight in her hand. Something... a voice perhaps, called into her mind, reaching into every pore of her body.*
???: You have been chosen to carry out our will.

Sivica: *He blinks several times as dust swirls past him. He couldn't see the other Hunters because of the heavy storm of dust. He could only hear a voice calling out to him. He waved a hand in front of his face, trying to wipe the dust away from his face when he saw the sword in all of its regal glory. A magnificently crafted blade that was amethyst in color. A crimson sword tassel whipped around in the air, and it almost felt alive. He grasped it in his hands, feeling his suit pulse in time with the voice whispering in his head.*
Yua: *She lifts her blade, feeling new powers awake in her. Her blade was sleek, like a rapier. Turquoise swirling patterns arced around the blades edge. She knew it was hers and only hers. She gives it a slow practice swing, and the dust storm vanishes completely, like it was never there. She gapes, realizing that this blade had somehow amplified her sealing powers. Yua looks at the other Hunters, who were also coming to the same conclusion.*
Kulen: *His blade isn't as long as the others, more like a falchion in appearance. Pure fear oozes from its very being and Kulen smiles. This had to be the power of legends! As Yua sealed the dust storm, he glanced at the other Hunters, his grin widening with theirs. A woman, who didnt quite seem tangible, shimmers to life next to him, a feline-like tail whipping out of her black cloak. She seems somewhat saddened, and Kulen looks around to see similar spirits with the other Hunters. The woman next to Kulen speaks.*
???: You have been chosen to carry out our will. Demon Hunter and Shinigami are now as one body. My name is Eirene, and our bond with the blade known as Spacecrusher allows you to use my power of gravity.
Kulen: *His grin grows wider.*
*Before Sven is only a crystal of some sort, but its size fits perfectly into a notch on his staff.*
Sivica: *He lifts his regal blade, feeling his God Flames bubble within him. With a faint grin, he releases the flames through his blade, creating a tower of pure God Flames. A crimson man with elven ears and demonic horns, dressed like Eirene, hovers next ot Sivica, his grin wide.*
???: Elemental Champion of Fire, allow me, Surtur and the Firestorm blade to guide you to victory!!
Yua: *She stands next to the other Hunters, a small imp-like spirit on her shoulder, also dressed in black cloaks.* Well, boys, let's take these new toys for a spin, eh?
Pennatus: *As Raem and Zeke return from their battle with Chaos, Pennatus can only curse as the Hunters wield their new weapons.*
Heake: *Struggling to look up, she can only see a tower of flames before she blacks out.*

Ashura: Kiko... these swords might be a sign. Something big is coming.

Kyra: Bonesaw... we have SABERs to catch. *As she lifts her blade, a grin graces her face, and she turns her attention to Leviathan.*

Ouranos: *Elsewhere, in the void of space, he looked out at all of the planets and stars, feeling the hatred the necromancers felt for him. It was nearly overwhelming, almost choking. He groaned as he tried to block out their voices, their anger. But it was futile. Everything was futile. And then... something snapped. All of the stuff that had happened to him-- nearly dying only to coexist with his sister, killing hundreds of people while under the influence of chaos, meeting his grandmother... It all crashed together and swamped his mind completely. He was still for a moment before looking up slowly. He knew what he had to do.*

*Elsewhere in space, a single winged figure flies towards a nearby planet, where he'd find his target-- Alex Law. It was Charneos, the new Titanide of Time, and son of Vitera. His mission was to find Alex Law and warn him of his son's future. Riley would be inseperably tied to the fate of the universe itself because he was the sole Zion. As Charneos entered the planet's atmosphere, he scanned for where Alex could have set up residence. After a moment of scanning through time, he found it. Charneos veered to the right, steering towards the Law residence. Naturally wanting to avoid fighting, Alex and his family had gone to a relatively neutral planet far from the Daedric war. They no longer wanted to be a part of the chaos, but they were inevitably tied to it. He spotted Alex's farming home. What else could one do after retiring from saving the world. Charneos landed heavily, smashing through the barn rooftop and startling the barn animals inside. The Titanide sheepishly scratched the back of his head.*
Charneos: My bad, ehehe...

Last edited by Phirania on 10/18/2012, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/19/2012, 8:36 pm

[Concordia Sea]

Ryuusei quickly realized what was going on. "Whoa whoa whoa wait!" he shouted, waving his hands at her. "You can't recruit an Adminstrator-tier!"

"Is everyone trying to kill me these days?!" Leviathan complained, her normally composed nature gone.


"Thank you." Dr. Cherubim said. "I must return to the world of the living as soon as possible. But while we're here..."

He took out a photo, of a family; himself, a young kid with short brown hair, and a beautiful woman with long, brown hair herself. "Perhaps you can help me find the woman in this picture?"

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Zazul 7/19/2012, 11:28 pm

Raem: *he cursed, realizing his situation. He and Zeke were weak from the fight with Chaos and Chimera's overwhelming aura, the others were weak from fighting Boethia and the Hunters, Sheogorath didn't seem to want to fight, and Gattrei was nowhere near ready to wake up.* We can't win this one...with those Summoner Blades, the Hunters are way too powerful.
Zeke: What can we do?!
Raem: Only thing we can do...
Neir: Raem, what are you going to do?
Raem: *he takes Gattrei off his back and hands him to Zeke* Hold on to him for me. *he steps forward to Sivica and the Hunters* Listen, I know you are after Daitengu, and I know that right now you are probably wanting to kill us more than anything, but listen to what I have to say. There is something far worse than Daitengu out there right now, and it seeks to destroy the entire universe! When we fought Chaos, we were interrupted by a monster. A being that called itself Combine Chimera. This thing...this creature absorbed some kind of blackness from Gattrei over there, Pure Chaos's wielder. I think it was the darkness in Chaos's heart. Whatever it is, this Chimera can only be called one thing...Evil Incarnate. If that thing isn't stopped, then this whole universe will be destroyed! That includes you Hunters and any loved ones or friends you may have! There is only one recourse. Hunters, help us fight Combine Chimera! Together, we can destroy this monstrosity before it destroys everything we all hold dear!

~Space, between the Daedric Battlelines and Sovereigngarde, the Invasion of Sovereigngarde~
*The Daedra and Army of Three's fleets are fighting a long and drawn-out battle. Each side had brought all the force they had, it was the largest war in the galaxy. The remaining Daedric Princes that were still loyal to Chaos had gathered under Sithis and Dagon, the two remaining Favored Sons.*
Sithis: Crush them...destroy the mortals who are so foolish to stand in our way.
Dagon: Father...I hope you watch us as we destroy your biggest enemies.
Sanguine: Hehehe...great party!
Pyrte: *he adjusts his glasses* Move you Daedric dogs! The Taskmaster orders you!
Narmina: Yes! Crush the mortals!
Noctural: Bring them the darkness of death!
Vermina: Where is that spineless brainchild Mora?
Sithis: He's probably off organizing his library. Cowardly tentacled dog...
*on the decks of the Army of Three ships, orders are flying everywhere*
Henson: Sir! We're in a total deadlock! The Daedra have nowhere to move in and we can't push back!
Captain: Hold them, soldiers! Don't let those demon bastards anywhere near Sovereigngarde!
*between the forces, a black ball of smoke forms*
Henson: Captain! Look out there!
Captain: What the hell is that?
Daedric Soldier: Lord Sithis!
Sithis: What in the...?
*out from the black ball of smoke unfurls six bat wings then, the full form of Chimera stands there between the now awestruck forces at its sides.*
Chimera: Oh my...I do hope I'm not interrupting...Fufufufufufu.....
Daedric Soldier: Orders, Genocide Lord?
Sithis: *his eyes are wide with fury* KILL IT! KILL THAT THING! LEAVE NOTHING LEFT OF IT!
*the Daedric Fleet asks no questions. All cannons lock onto Chimera and begin opening fire*
Henson: Captain! The Daedra are focusing their fire on that black being!
Captain: If the Daedra want to destroy it, it must be big. Don't give them the pleasure! Kill that thing!
Henson: All ships, fire on the unidentified object! *the Army of Three all lock onto Chimera and join the Daedra in attacking it*
Chimera: *the attacks from the ships seem to do nothing to it* Stop it, that tickles.... *It points at an Army of Three ship and then a pulse of energy rings out. The ship suddenly explodes with energy* Fufufufufufu... *Chimera then swipes its hand at the Daedra and the ships all begin to explode*
Sithis: Daedric Princes! Attack! *the princes all warp out and fly at Chimera* LEAVE NOTHING LEFT! ANNIHILATE THAT THING!
Chimera: Fufufufufufu... *it dashes at the Daedric Princes. First, it impales Pyrte with its arm and absorbs Pyrte's evil. Then it throws Pyrte into Sanguine and flies forward. It warps and stabs Sanguine through the back, absorbing his evil. Then it warps and appears in front of Noctural and Narmina, its hands through their stomachs as it absorbs their evil. It then flies at Varmina and stabs its hand through her head, absorbing her evil. Finally, it looks over at Dagon and Sithis* And don't you two look positively.....delectable.
Sithis: Grrrrr....DIE! *he unleashes a blast of Daedric energy at Chimera*
Dagon: *he joins his brother. The blasts had enough power to destroy a sun*
Chimera: *it steps into the blast, the energy not harming it at all. It then reaches through the energy and grabs both Sithis and Dagon by the heads, absorbing the evil from them. Its body begins to pulse and vibrate and more energy begins to build off it* Yes.....yes.....OH HELL YES! SUCH AMAZING POWER! INCREDIBLE! YEEEEEEES! *black smoke forms around Chimera and it curls into a ball, its wings forming a cocoon around it. The cocoon forms fully and occasionally vibrates and pulses. Chimera was beginning a metamorphosis. A very deadly metamorphosis*

~Iciaura, Destroyed City inside a destroyed tv store~
*As Luna skates by a destroyed store, one of the TVs in the window still functions. It is tuned in to the news*
Rex Pester: BREAKING NEWS! The fleets outside Sovereigngarde have all been annihilated! A strange being appeared earlier and destroyed both the Daedric and Army fleets before making short work of the Daedric Princes. Survivors that were still conscious and on our side said that this thing was called "Combine Chimera" by some of the senior staff that saw it. However, this has yet to be proven since the Combine Chimera was destroyed by Geneforce years ago. We go now to this picture of the beast. *the screen flashes to a picture of Chimera before it absorbed the Princes* The being is supposedly now inside a strange black cocoon on the warzone. We will keep you posted! Until then, I'm Rex Pester, And I'll be back with more BIIIIIIIG ACTION NEEEEEEWWWWWWS!

Bonesaw: *his blade was a long, whip blade with runes on the edges. As he whipped it to test it, force waves came out from the blade itself, cutting the water before the blade itself could touch it* Oh yeah! Now this is an epic blade!
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/20/2012, 1:18 pm

Sivica: *The Hunters are silent for several moments, increasing both tension and anxiety between the two groups. Finally, Sivica speaks as the flames from his Firestorm begin to recede back into the blade.* We...Demon Hunters are the scourge of the earth. By choosing to be become a Hunter, we abandoned our humanity. These things you hold dear--friends and loved ones? Those do not matter to us. *He nods towards Yua, who quickly strides towards Pennatus.* Should this...Chimera become a threat to the Hunter agenda, then we may reassess our current stance. I don't believe the Hunters will be of much use to you, however. We know tales of that monster, like most other people in the universe. But...being composed of Celestio-Sapians, it is divine in origin, not demonic. Therefore, a large portion of our abilities are negated nearly if not completely useless. A tip for the future, I suppose.
Yua: *She stands over Pennatus with a smirk, and lifts her blade. She thrusts the blade into Pennatus, releasing crimson energy out of her. Pennatus stifles a shriek as she feels herself lose the Hand of Daitengu, Skelebeest.* M'kay, Sivvy~ Mission accomplished!!
Sivica: *He glares at Yua, who quickly looks down, flustered.* Nevertheless, I will consult with our leader about your issue.

Divine: Oh? Who's that? Your wife?

Kyra: Oh... *She lowers her blade.*

Charneos: *He looks around the barn, trying to ignore the animals making unintelligible sounds at him. Another quick time check told him that Alex was either in the fields or away from the house. Rose would most likely be inside their house, watching over Riley. That, at least, was constant in the majority of the timelines. The Titanide walked towards the small house nearby, knocking on the door out of courtesy.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Zazul 7/20/2012, 7:26 pm

*on the bench on the porch of the house is a skunk in black robes. On his head is a tall witch's hat. Suddenly, a red blade appeared in his hand and was pointed at him*
Quintus: You have exactly 10 seconds to explain why you are here.
???: Quintus! Its alright. I don't sense any hostility from him. *walking towards the house is a skunk wearing only torn up blue jeans. His one eye is covered by a scar and his right arm is a large silver claw. In his left hand is a scythe which was used for reaping crops in the field* Hello there, friend. My name is Alex. Alex Law. How may I help you?

Zeke: PENNY! *he moves at Sivica and Yua, only to be held back by Kleptomania*
Kleptomania: No, Zeke! We can't fight them....They won this round.
Zeke: *he points one finger at Sivica and speaks calmly* You. Don't think you and me are done. You've hurt too many of my friends. One day, I will beat you, Sivica. You can count on it.
Raem: *his grip on Ashbringer tightens as he glares at the Hunters. Even though he knew that if they attacked, they would be killed for sure, it didn't ease his anger over what had happened to Penny.*

Saber: *he was watching the Intergalactic News station in Knives' base when he saw the story on Chimera* W-what the hell is that thing?!
Knives: *he sees Chimera and goes ghost pale* is the worst possible thing to ever happen.
Saber: What do you mean?
Knives: The last time Chimera was on the loose, it nearly caused the destruction of the Nebula of Dis, where Celestio-Sapians are born. And before that, it was only beaten because Luna and Spirit gave their lives to build their energies and weaken Chimera. Now that its back...I don't know anything that could stop it.
Saber: I know someone who could...
Knives: Ha! Who?!
Saber: *he looks at Knives, determined* Geneforce X. We could stop that thing. I know it. We all just need to get back together. That means Steam needs to wake up and we have to get word out everywhere. Geneforce X needs to reunite.
Knives: Hmmm...Alright. I'll help ya!
Saber: What?!
Knives: We got a broadcast system here. We can connect to all the stations out there. We can get your message out.
Saber: You can?!
Knives: Yep. Lets go. *he and Saber walk into a recording studio* Go for it, kid!
Saber: *he taps on the microphone and the light signifying that they are live turns on* H-hello? Attention, fellow members of Geneforce and Geneforce X. This is Saber Materex. I am using all channels and frequencies to send out this message in hopes that you all hear me. Combine Chimera is back. Its back and stronger than ever. I am calling for all members of Geneforce and Geneforce X to meet on Sovereigngarde so we can take the fight to this monster! We put that thing down once, we can do it again!

~Rapture, the Dredae City battleground~
Grell: *he and Issac are back to back, fighting off members of Last Battalion. Grell's radio activates and Saber's message is heard* Saber...
Issac: *he thinks for a while and then, after stabbing a Last Battalion soldier with one of his bone gauntlets, he looks at Grell and nods* Go.
Grell: *He smiles and nods* Thank you, Brother. *he runs off through the battle lines to the Spaceport*

~Sweet Tunes Satellite~
Sweet: *he's serving Xavier a drink when the message plays on his radio* Hmmm...bad mojo, daddyo. We gotta fight that Chimera Cat again?
Xavier: Aye. Let us go and crush the foul beast yet again! *the two bump fists, get up, and run out of the club*

Bonesaw: Awe man! And here I wanted to use this new sword!

Kleptomania: *his Army of Three Communicator responds and Saber's message plays* Saber...he's alive!
Zeke: Then that means Steam should be okay too!
Neir: Chimera...Our father and Geneforce beat that thing before. We can do it! I know we can!
Gashka: Neir's right.
Fai Zheng: This Chimera sounds like a rather dreadful thing indeed....
Sheogorath: Aye! I'll go tell Hircine what is going on! Chances are he won't want to sit still for this!
Gattrei: *he begins to stir slightly* Ugh...
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/21/2012, 9:02 pm


"Yes, she is." Dr. Cherubim explained. "Eden Cherubim, my wife."

[Concordia Sea]

"You'll have a chance to try those out later!" Ryuusei snapped.

"Pretty soon, actually." Leviathan corrected him, making him look down at her with curiosity. "Come with me."

Leviathan quickly dove, dragging Ryuusei with him. A dark shadow was the only sign of her presence, which began to swim off in the same direction as the Mermaids earlier.

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/22/2012, 7:34 pm

Sven: *he fits the crystal into the clawed base of his staff. With wide eyes, he feels a great energy running through his body.* Whoa... This feeling....

Kiko: *she grabs her sword; a long muramasa with a serrated edge. The hilt is wrapped in some sort of hide and there is a military dogtag hanging by a strip of hide.* You think so? *She swings her sword about, noting how the serrated edges glowed with the same energy hery claws were made of.*

Mystess: *she slides to a halt to watch the broadcast. As she skates away, she hears it; This is Saber Materex. I am using all channels and frequencies to send out this message in hopes that you all hear me. She freezes and goes back to the video screen. She had to help. With a deep breath, she whispers a small incantation and opens a portal to Sovereigngarde. When she arrives, she can see saber, but hides so that he cannot hear, see, or sense her. It wasn't time to reveal herself yet*

Rose: *she walks to the door and stands with Alex, holding a small sleeping skunk-wolf hybrid. Her pale green eyes gaze intently at the newcomer. and her voice is as soft as the wind* Instead of standing here, why don't we invite our guest inside?
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/22/2012, 11:37 pm

Charneos: *He is silent for a moment as he stares at Quintus' blade in his face without flinching. He looks as if he is going to say something to Quintus, but decides against it. It was natural to be weary of stranger these days. Charneos looks at Rose, his eyes locked on the child she held in her arms. Riley Law. It had to be. The Titanide curled in his wings to make himself seem less intimidating.* I've come as a... *He pauses, searching for the right word.* ...A warning for the future. A future in which Riley Law will be instrumental in shaping.

Sivica: *He shrugs nonchalantly before waving his hand behind him. A mass of energy began to form a Hunter's portal, leading back to the limbo-like dimension the Demon Hunter castle was held in.*
Yua: Heehee! We should play with these guys again sometime!~ *She merrily skips into the portal, not noticing Sivica roll his eyes in annoyance.*
Kulen: *He begins to walk towards the portal, but stops next to Sivica and speaks in a hushed whisper.* You do realize that confronting those two Chaos-users would be suicidal.
Sivica: *His voice is also soft.* They are only pieces of a whole. There is only one Champion for the elements, one warrior who stands above the others. While formidable, they are not that much of a threat if they don't have a Champion.
Kulen: *He chuckles.* You sure they don't have one? *With that, Kulen walks through the portal. Sivica furrows his brows in confusion and silent brooding as he waited for Sven to enter the portal.*

*Back at the Phantasian hospital, a nurse enters Saber and Steam's room and gasps when she sees that Steam is missing. She quickly runs out of the room, not noticing that open window near the back.*
Nurse: *She runs to the front desk, seeing a list of patients who had checked out. Saber had, but Steam... was nowhere on the list. The nurse turned to the secretary.* We have a problem.

Ashura: No... I know it. We need to get going, though.

Kyra: *Curious, she follows Leviathan.*

Divine: Hmm... I guess we can try! We'll just have to pick up Xenon's stuff from Charisma's castle first. It's not like we know what's down here! *She smiles.*

Iodes: *She and Garm are a block away from the Ailuro compound when a dazzling light appears before Garm. Iodes winces as she tries to block the bright light.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/23/2012, 12:26 am

Sven: *he kitty face grins up at Sivica as he walks through the portal*

Kiko: *she looks to Ashura and nods* right.

Rose: please. come in. we'll sit down and you may explain.

Garm: *he squints into the light, noticing a blade* what the... *he grabs the hilt and the light dies down. its a blade of pure magma, yet the molten rock does not drip to the ground. its as if it is being held in place. the handle is obsidian and there are small ice crystals embedded into the hand guard.* whoa! look at this...
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/24/2012, 10:33 pm


"I will gladly assist you." Dr. Cherubim agreed.

[Concordia Sea]

A few moments later, Leviathan resurfaced. "Here we are." she announced. "Seraphim LLC Headquarters."

The whole island looked like it was ready to wage war. Giant battleships with the Seraphim LLC logo, a coat of arms depicting a seraph, were docked at every port on the island, and a few were patrolling around. A closer look revealed that almost the whole crew on every single warship were SABERs. The island itself was fairly crowded, even moreso than usual. Leviathan swam towards the island, the patrolling ships stopping to let her through.

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/25/2012, 12:34 am

Kyra: Woah... what's going on here...? War?

Iodes: What is it...? *She hears an explosion.* We'd better get going. *She looks around, scanning the destruction of Iciaura's capital.*

Sivica: *Finally, he strides through the Hunter portal, swiftly shutting it behind him.*
Pennatus: *Clutching her bleeding wound, she glares in the direction the Hunters had left before glancing at the others.* You know those creeps?
Heake: *She manages to sit up, hands massaging her head.* They're Demon Hunters... Kinda like bounty hunters, but demon-specific. They're elites and they've been after people with connections to Daitengu. Zeke... Steam... You...
Pennatus: Wh-what do they want with that kind of power...?
Heake: Dunno... but it can't be good.

Sivica: *He stands before Master Quin with the others. Yua brandishes her blade and Quin glances at it for a moment before returning his attention to the power the Daitengu's Hand emitted.*
Quin: Finally... *The Flame, the Fangs, and the Hand condense into black balls of flame, while the power of an angel and Xanthos' Shinigami powers formed white and crimson masses of fire, respectively. Quin looks up, hearing a knock on the castle's front door. And in walk several new Hunters, unfamiliar to the ones present.* It seems we can move on to the final phase. Hunters, meet the Roman Numerals, many of which are original Demon Hunters.
Yua: *She stifles a gasp. It was mostly thought that the originals, besides Quin, had all died in the line of duty.*

Charneos: I thank you in advance for your hospitality, though I doubt you will enjoy what I have come here to say.

*Elsewhere, Steam is walking through a forest, having abandoned the patients robes for his old black hooded cloak. His focus is getting to the one person that could help him with his current problem: Vein.*
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/26/2012, 10:55 am

Rose: *she smiles gently, moving aside to let Charmeos through.* Care for anything to eat or drink?

Sven: ._. *he shudders at the sheer mental power eminating from the Numerals.* Whoa....
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Zazul 7/30/2012, 12:32 am

Alex: *he sits down at the table. The inside of the house was comfortable. A fireplace that was burning warmly, a wood table and pantry, a fur rug, it looked like what a farming family would live in. Alex let out a sigh and relaxed. He then turned his attention to their guest* Make yourself at home, friend. We may be simple farmers, but make yourself comfortable.
Quintus: *he walks into the living room area and sits down in one of the rocking chairs, his feet propped up on the coffee table as he puts his hat over his eyes and seems to watch the fire.*

Saber: *he is on Sovereigngarde, pacing in the Army of Three base. So far, none of the others had shown themselves to him. Not even Nahn. Suddenly, a portal opened. It was one of the Chaos Windows. Out stepped Raem, Zeke, and the group that was with them during the Crucible mission.* W-what?!
Raem: Wow, Zeke. You really got good at using those windows.
Zeke: Thanks I guess...
Fai Zheng: Indeed, you have grown rather proficient.
Saber: Zeke! Fai! Liola! Kleptomania! Heake! Gashka and Neir too?! And Penny! How did you guys get here! *then he saw Raem* R....Raem?
Raem: Oh, hey Saber! Long time, no see, eh cousin?
Saber:'re the old Raem!
Raem: I can explain that one later. Right now, we got bigger things to worry about. Like Chimera for one.
Saber: Iodes and Garm aren't here yet...though after what happened, I doubt Garm will help us...
Raem: Garm is one of the Demon Hunters, like Zeke said, right? Then I'm sure he's doing it because he wants a crack at Berserker, the demon that killed Mystess. Don't worry. I'm sure deep down, the Garm we know is there and if I know my best friend, he'll want a crack at Chimera as much as us! So, we'll hold off Chimera till he gets here!
Kleptomania: But you heard of what that monster did to the Daedric and Army fleets. Fighting that thing will not be easy.
Raem: Like I said, we don't need to kill it. We just need to hold it off until Iodes and Garm get here. *he glances in the back of the group.* And you, don't be so shy.
*out from the portal steps Gattrei.*
Gattrei: ...are you sure you want me here?
Zeke: Chaos was evil. If Chimera absorbed his evil and you took over, that means Pure is no longer corrupted. He will want to restore the balance as much as Peaceful and the now tamed Feral do.
Gattrei: ....alright. I'll do it. Mom and Dad would want me to.
Zeke: That's the spirit!
Gattrei: Does...this mean we're brothers since we have the same father, just from different time lines?
Zeke: Um...I'll get back to you on that.
*one of the doors opens and Grell walks in* And who said you guys could start without me?!
Gashka: GRELL?!
Saber: No way...Grell....How are you alive?!
Grell: Raem and I came back from the afterlife. And...we didn't come alone.
Saber: Who else did you bring?

*One of the Numerals was a tall, heavy-armored Fortesian with dark green armor trimmed in black. He had a single black horn sticking out from the left side of his helmeted head. In his hand is a large, black cleaver with glowing green runes and veins. The earth under the blade's point seems to be drawn to it. He looks over the Hunters and nods*
???: Hmmm....they look decent enough. Right, Ent?
*out from his blade comes a man who's whole body is shrouded in a cloak made of black dirt that is constantly shifting. Jewels occasionally fall out from the moving earth cloak. However, the presence of death was blanketing the earthen man.*
Ent: The unicorn seems a bit young, but he'll do, Tiber.
Tiber: My name is Achilles Tiber. You can just call me Tiber. I only got one condition. Everyone does their part, nobody quits. You don't do your job, I'll gut you with my blade, Gaeaharbinger, myself. Understand?

Bonesaw: Woooooooah! Looks like its gonna be all-out bloodbath on this planet! *he rubs on of the flats of his new whip sword eagerly* When do we start?!
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Ray 7/30/2012, 12:46 pm

[Seraphim LLC Headquarters]

"You must be crazy," Leviathan flatly responded. "We're rebelling against Tesseract's Parliament, who have the only true standing military on Phantasia. I don't care how powerful you are, we're tuna if we try to attack now. Tesseract is too well-defended by the Deadzone."

Ryuusei suddenly got up, as if he saw something. "See you inside," he quickly said as he leaped into the sky, changing form to Proteus - Ice in a whirlwind of snow.

He flew over to the island, the soldiers below, both Phantasian and SABER, ignoring him. "Hold your breath," Leviathan warned as she dove.

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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Maxwell 7/30/2012, 2:05 pm

Mystess: *she takes a deep breath and steps out of the shadows, her forest green eyes glowing warmly* Hey there, Saber! *she opens her arms and smiles* Good to see you again.
*the door flies open as Beowulf and Nahn tumble in, clawing and biting at each other. Both are covered in enemy blood.*
Nahn: . . . .
Liola: *she looks over at hearing what Beowulf says* Oh, he's done it now...
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Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell - Page 22 Empty Re: Geneforce, the Next Generation Episode 4: Gates of Heaven, Depths of Hell

Post by Star Phoenix 7/30/2012, 8:58 pm

Charneos: Out of courtesy, I will accept your offer. *He then silently strides over to a nearby stool and sits on it. He looks over all present.* First... my name is Charneos, the Titanide of Time, Balance, and several other symbols. You are aware that your son is a Zion, correct? A being that can manipulate balance energy?

Kyra: *She holds onto one of Leviathan's fins as the giant aquatic SABER dover underwater.*

Master Quin: The Numerals are here to launch the final part of our ultimate goal into action. With the power of the three Daitengu Holders and an angel, we can find the Queen of all demons and kill her, therefore preventing more demons from spawning in mass amounts. She is called Lilith and she has been tracked to the deepest pit of hell, Tartarus. Even with these Numerals, it will be a difficult battle. That is why they will be your teachers and hone your skills. *He looks over at the portal, where Ashura and Kiko enter the castle.*
Ashura: Master Quin, Kiko and I have obtained valuable information on the creatures of Phantasia.
Master Quin: The others already gave me a report. And quite a while ago.
Ashura: They don't know what we know, sir.
Master Quin: There will be time for that later. You, Kiko, Sven, and Yua will train under the Numerals for the coming battle against Lilith.
Ashura: *His jaw nearly drops, though whether it was because he was getting Numeral-training or would soon be fighting against Lilith was unclear.*
Kulen: And what will you have Sivica and I do?
Master Quin: Investigate those blades...
Kulen: Well... we already know that they house Shinigami. And it appears we all have one.
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